Though a formidable year, Team CRM absolutely pushed the pace in 2021. I’m very proud of how we grew closer as a team and rose to the occasion this year. Best said, “It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” And indeed we did, introducing notable transformation over the last 365 days; touching upon a few highlights:
We developed several foundational strategies, including for data management and centralization, the reimagining of core products and for how we utilize, as well as lease, public and commercial spaces
We rolled out a new natural language processing (NLP) platform to supplement analysis of our voice-of-the-customer / CX data
We invested strategically in e-commerce transformation, two enhancements which are AI-driven, coming early next year
We had the opportunity to bring onboard two senior talents to the CRM Leadership Team as we continue to grow, innovate and introduce fresh new perspectives to the table
Moreover, I’ve truly enjoyed guiding our digital transformation from the front, leaning heavily into the AI space:
Had the opportunity to take executive training in AI at Kellogg School of Management and learn from an exceptional faculty, including the original lead developer of IBM Watson
Was accepted into Queen’s University and am now well down the path of earning a Master of Management in AI (MMAI)
Learned how to code, feature engineer, as well as run and tune AI algorithms, in Python (which was preceded by calculus, algebra and more calculus)
Led development of our 2021-2026 AI and Service Automation Roadmap
We’re ready. 2022, here we come!
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